practical health information: Strengthen your immunity in winter

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Strengthen your immunity in winter

Tableware/Compass Group Turkey's dietician Country Emel Taylor Armstrong, for the upcoming cold winter months to strengthen our immunity they gave clues about the food.

The immune system of the body to germs, protects against viruses, bacteria and is the most important defence system. To get caught diseases or less damage to healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and stress-free is very important stand.
Today, changing climate conditions and due to the difficult living conditions are very difficult to keep your immune system strong. However, to improve the quality of life, to pay attention to the food being consumed. Tableware/Compass Group Turkey's dietician Country Emel Taylor Armstrong, to strengthen body resistance in seasonal transition of a healthy lifestyle and the importance of careful with diet.

It's very important that the consumption of fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants

Strengthens the immune system of the nutrients you should be familiar with the most important property is the highest antioxidant capacity. At the beginning of the high content of dietary antioxidants, fruits and vegetables. During this period, nutrition especially Apple, pear, pomegranate, Orange, Tangerine, Kiwi fruit and spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, chard, Arugula, parsley, onion, garlic, celery, vegetables such as in.

Plenty of vitamin C should be taken

Citrus is a good source of vitamin C as well as potassium, folic acid and flavonoids. Also found in pomegranate citrus you interested in odour and taste of the games and hesperis is that compounds in citrus, blood lipid and blood sugar in the normal range is useful to fix faults. Pomegranate, Tangerine, Orange, Kiwi fruit and vegetables such as broccoli, parsley, Arugula antioxidant

contains large amounts of vitamin C with the property. In this way, by strengthening the immune system increases our resistance to disease.

Natural antibiotic onion and garlic

For centuries, onion and garlic with fame continues. Both very good antioxidant as well as an excellent antibiotic body they protect against infections.

Probiotic qua

Scientists years later declared the second brain is the intestine. The immune system is the intestines directly concern organ. Therefore, to increase body resistance on behalf of plenty of probiotic-containing foods should be consumed. Kefir and yogurt is one of them. Thanks to the friendly bacteria they contain retaining intestinal health, strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin and mineral store ginger and turmeric

Ginger and turmeric as essentials of winter yörsan aims at preventing necessarily. Ginger B3, B6 vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium rich thanks to the vitamin and mineral content is good for many diseases and strengthens immunity. Turmeric is also abundant with vitamins A and E, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, vitamin B6 as rich in vitamins and minerals. In this way, by preventing the formation of free radicals, preventing the falling body resistance.

Fescue should consume to Favorites

Strengthen your immunity in winter
One of the sine qua non of oats. Oat beta-glucan contained thanks to antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Beta-glucan immunity strengthens and accelerates the wound healing.

Don't forget to drink water

Finally we have to remember that at some point, water consumption. Dry and cold weather could lead to a loss of water from the body. Also during the winter months can also decrease our drinking water. For this reason, water to drink should be consumed at least 8-10 glass of water a day.

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